Take the 401 to Hwy 29 Brockville, Stewart Blvd exit. Go North to Tincap. Turn left at Kilkenny road, and follow to the end. Turn right at the stop sign, follow to the yield sign and turn left, then an immediate right onto Seeley road. Follow straight through to our shop at 133.
Custom Home Improvements
For any inquiries
Please feel free to email or call.
1-(613) 342-4735 1-(888) 867-7802 (toll free)
Paul Graham paul@grahamscustomkitchens.com
Elizabeth Elizabeth@grahamscustomkitchens.com
Alison Dano Alison@grahamscustomkitchens.com
Hours: Mon - Thurs: 7:30am - 5:00pm Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm Sat - Sun: By appointment